Workshops by Sunshine Massage School

Workshops by Sunshine Massage School


Osteothai Principles and general overview

This dense and colorful course brings us into the universe of Osteothai.

27 to 31 January 2025, with David

We learn the osteopathic principles on which are based all the techniques used in Osteothai. Thus it gives the opportunity to the student to get a general overview of the different classes :

- Articular peripherical system (ankle, knee, hip...)

- Treatment of the spine (lower back pain, approach of the cervical region)

- Visceral system and its relations with the pelvic ball

- Setting free the breathing process

- Approach of the craniosacral system (what is the Primary Respiratory Movement and how to feel it?)

- Working with the fascia

Precise and powerful techniques will be taught to adapt your massage to the needs of your westerner patients.

During this 5-day Osteothai course, we focus on :

• Principles of being : Presence, Attention, Intention

• Understanding the osteopathic principles on which are based the techniques

• Learning how to touch the three different realities of the body : the structure, the fluids, the energy and the respective ways to approach them : Fire touch, Water touch, Air touch.

• The principles of the dynamic of treatment : Mobility & Vitality, Less is more, the midline, importance of integration

This class is open to anyone with a background in Thai Massage. 

5 days / 30 CE Hours, Baht 13,500.-

Next course:

  • 27 to 31 January 2025

    5 days, 30 hours

    THB 13,500.-   ( aprox. EUR 357,  USD 368 )

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