Graceful Living, a Threshold into Dying - Thanatology
Nothing, it is said, teaches us more about living than dying ...
30 Dec. 2024 to 3 Jan. 2025
... but if so, isn’t it odd how
little we face up to death : and isn’t it odd
that modern societies, which appear so keen
to find meaning in the business of living, push
death to the periphery, minimizing our
contact with it and sanitizing its impact !
The purpose of this seminar is to discover, to
learn through investigation, to discover within
the self the barriers and fears associated with
death and dying ~ the fears and barriers we
create living each day
We will welcome silence, experience quiet
reflection, dialog, inner inquiry :
ponder expectation and conditioning
We will consider our own death and the death of our loved ones: we will inquire into
being with others in their final days of living
We will inquire into the social, ethical and spiritual implications, regarding the
physiological and psychological effects on the body regarding loss, stress, fear,
disbelief, isolation, anger, bargaining, pain, grief, sorrow, depression and despair.
35 hours over, 5 days
30 Dec. 2024 to 3 Jan. 2025
THB 9,500 approx. € 248.-, USD 270.-
08.30 til 12.30
14.00 til 16.30.
What is it to be stable?
Stability of thought, of health, of environment.
Change is always present, change can be liberating, devastating, confusing, bringing clarity.
What does it mean to be in relationship, to attachment, to expectations. How do our expectations sabotage a sense of what is.
Escaping from facing facts, from facing the consequences of what is, perhaps this is a form of suicide?
The inability to accept change for many differing reasons.
What happens when stress becomes an overload?
rosemary april 2023